A I   T E C H N O L O G Y


We have automated the processes of the best traders in the world for you. Just enter your budget and you will know exactly how you will make the maximum number of coins.



Customized List For Your Budget

Our unique algorithm calculates the perfect list for you. Just enter your platform and your budget.

Your Individual List

Your perfect list has been generated for you. Now buy the objects at the purchase price and list them at the displayed selling price.

Enjoy The Profits

Every hour, some of your players get sold. Enjoy the profits and realise how easy it is to make coins.

Why did you develop such an APP and offer it for free?

We at FINAL FLASH are absolutely convinced that every FUT player should make coins without having to pay money.

We started developing the app in 2021. I myself have been trading since 2012 and have had contact with many of the world's top traders.I looked at the best trading methods worldwide and developed a system that allows anyone to make coins - you never have to have traded before. It is designed to be so simple that a 6 year old child can even make coins by copying our list.

We are working on new features every day to make it the one app that every FIFA gamer uses.

So much work goes into it and you offer it for free, why?

We are surprised how many people are sceptical because we offer this app for free. Our idea is to be financed by Google Ads instead of people like you. We won't display annoying ads that degrade your experience on our site. For us, performance and user experience comes first.

Will the APP always be free?

Yes. It sounds incredible, but as long as I am there, the app will keep being free. Already a lot of people are telling me that I could charge a lot of money for it. My intention is to help and if I help many, I will be able to earn money like with ads or sponsorships.

© 2023 - FINALFLASH GmbH. 

All rights reserved.